Continuous content improvement for MNM (VRT) morning show

The morning show “De Grote Peter van de Veire Ochtendshow” on MNM, the VRT station targeting young audience, will be conducting a pilot with Voizzup during the coming months for evaluating their contents daily, starting today.

After the non-linear radio

Listening behaviours are shifting. Young listeners don’t understand why radio content has to be subordinated to fixed schedules. In order to keep up time spent listening among young listeners radio needs to start experimenting with non-linear models.

Buscando la radio no lineal

Los comportamientos de escucha de radio están cambiando. El oyente joven no entiende la subordinación de sus contenidos preferidos a horarios fijos. Es necesaria la experimentación con modelos de radio no lineal si no queremos perder a ese oyente para siempre.