5 resolutions for better listener engagement in radio, in 2020.

Continuous improvement in radio

1. Know when your listeners are paying attention.
2. Seek Time ENJOYED Listening, instead of TSL.
3. Visualise your power and assume your responsibility on-air.
4. Put listener engagement measurement in the hands of the on-air team.
5. “Listempathise”

Continuous content improvement for MNM (VRT) morning show

The morning show “De Grote Peter van de Veire Ochtendshow” on MNM, the VRT station targeting young audience, will be conducting a pilot with Voizzup during the coming months for evaluating their contents daily, starting today.

I don’t get the hype about smart speakers for radio

Diving in existing research to explain why I don’t believe the smart speaker will become the central device for audio listening among young listeners. Also, I don’t see how the smart speaker might save linear radio. More likely, it will accelerate its decline.