BBC innovates in non-linear radio
BBC’s latest innovation in non-linear radio enables online listening first by releasing speech-based shows up to 7 days before they are aired on FM.
BBC’s latest innovation in non-linear radio enables online listening first by releasing speech-based shows up to 7 days before they are aired on FM.
Listening behaviours are shifting. Young listeners don’t understand why radio content has to be subordinated to fixed schedules. In order to keep up time spent listening among young listeners radio needs to start experimenting with non-linear models.
Los comportamientos de escucha de radio están cambiando. El oyente joven no entiende la subordinación de sus contenidos preferidos a horarios fijos. Es necesaria la experimentación con modelos de radio no lineal si no queremos perder a ese oyente para siempre.
BBC Radio 1 speaks Spanish, again. Matt Fisher, Station Sound Manager, designs the imaging in Spanish for the 20th anniversary of Radio 1 in Ibiza.
Information on screen, engaging visual content and additional interactive features that invite listeners to stay tuned longer. That’s what hybrid radio enables, regardless of the technology used for carrying the audio.
Matt Fisher, BBC Radio 1 Station Sound Manager, talks about the imaging for Radio 1 in Ibiza with a Spanish voice-over: “A really simple imaging concept with a massive audience impact.”
A few weeks ago one of the most relevant gatherings of radio professionals, Radiodays Europe, was held in Dublin, Ireland. For two and a half days more than hundred speakers shared their thoughts on the current state of our industry. Above all, experts and attendees talked about change. Greatest ever period of change for radio … Read more